Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?
Do you find yourself constantly asking
"Why am I so tired all the time?"
And we're not just talking about tired, butTIRED...
flat out FATIGUED...
In addition, do you have other distinguishing symptoms of
Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?
- You find it hard to think clearly, and you feel like you spend your
days slogging thru a vat of waist-deep oatmeal, it just takes way more
effort than it should for you to accomplish anything.
- Despite feeling tired, you also feel edgy, and your emotions are
fragile. You get jittery, jumpy, short-tempered, and often get accused
of over-reacting, or blowing things out of proportion. You are
emotionally strung-out and unable to cope with conflict and
confrontation. Little things upset you more than they should.
- You startle easily. Something as simple as the phone ringing sends
you shooting out of your chair like the house is on fire, heart pounding
wildly, and it takes you several minutes to recover and calm down.
- When confronted with stress of any degree, your heart begins to
race, your head begins to swim, and you feel as if you are going to have
a panic attack. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground, you are
either dead-dog-tired or on "high alert". You wonder if this is what it
feels like to have a nervous breakdown.
- You have developed new allergies, or are having more severe allergic
reactions than usual. Possibly even serious anaphylactic reactions.
- You crave sugars, or juices, or breads, cookies, cakes, or other
simple carbohydrates that will quickly convert to sugar in your system.
Or, you HAVE to have your caffeine to get going in the morning--and to
keep going in the afternoon.
- You don't sleep well overnight. You are tired, but can't get to
sleep, or stay asleep. Your best sleep comes in the morning, between 6
and 9am. You hit a slump in the late afternoon, but a nap doesn't seem
to help much. You can't wait for bedtime, but by 9pm you've found a
second wind, and don't have a problem staying up past midnight doing the
things you couldn't get done during the day because you were too weary.
- You have low blood pressure, low blood sugar, low thyroid, low libido...
Sound familiar? You've come to the right place.
What will you find here
Adrenal Fatigue Recovery?
- We'll talk about the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, and look at
why each one occurs. We'll discuss the connection between adrenal gland
fatigue and hormone imbalance -how all our hormones are interconnected
and work together-so that we can sort out which symptoms are caused by
which hormone deficiencies.
- I will share with you the summary of all my research on Adrenal
Fatigue Syndrome and its connection to hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia,
belly fat, autoimmune disorders, and allergy conditions.
- We'll look at some of the causes of adrenal fatigue. How did you get
here? What are the environmental factors that tax your adrenal system?
How can you better deal with stress in your life? What are you eating
that's doing more harm than good?
- I will outline the key components of a healthy lifestyle, one that
supports your adrenal system instead of draining it. An awareness of
your new goal of healthy living and lifestyle changes that support that
goal will make a huge difference in reducing the demands placed on your
adrenal system.
- I will share reviews and recommendations for books and products that
I have tried and found success with in treating adrenal fatigue in my
own life. I will help you map out a personalized plan for recovery that
includes supplements, diet changes, and identifying the causes of
stress in your life to reverse the effects of stress on your adrenal
But one of the most important things I want to tell you is how important
it is for you to educate yourself, and not rely solely on a
"professional" to tell you what is wrong with yourself and what to do
for it. For some reason, many doctors today do not consider mild
symptoms of hypoadrenia to be a valid condition.
Much like 20 years ago when PMS was "all in your head", they discount
the collection of symptoms you have, and will tell you that if you don't
have Addison's Disease (the extreme end of hypoadrenia), your adrenals
are fine. Do NOT let your doctor blow you off as being a
hypochondriac who thinks she has the latest "fad" disease! Run, don't
walk, to find a doctor who will work with you instead of scoffing at your participation in your own health treatment.
The good news is, adrenal fatigue is largely a condition that can be
reversed by becoming more aware of the things that stress your adrenals,
and making choices that will support and rebuild your adrenal glands.
Some changes in your diet, deliberate choices to take control of your
life, your health, and your relationships will go a long way towards
bolstering your exhausted adrenals.
As adults, we tend to take care of everyone and everything...except
ourselves. We don't have time to be sick, so we just ignore our body's
signals and keep going until we run ourselves into the ground. Don't be a
martyr! Take some time to take care of yourself and you will be much
more effective at everything else you do.
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