Needed Adrenal Specialized Doctor in HAWAII

by RoseSoup
(Hawaii, United States)

I have been struggling with Fatigue for a few years now. I have had some highs, followed by crashes. I am getting worse I think, and have had a highly stressful year adding to the joint pain, and chronic tiredness. I'm relying heavily on coffee to get me somewhat awake, but feel like a zombie until about noon everyday. I have some insurance, but not much money, If you know of a Dr. or GOOD Naturepath in Hawaii please let me know. I am undergoing some testing here at a clinic but they are not very open to my suggestions as I had to ask for the Cortisol tests, and they still look at me weird for wanting hormonal panel, as if I dont need it cause i'm under 30 and have a period each month...dont they realize that Cortisol is a hormone!???...My cortisol is under the normal level already which means from my research that I'm in a later stage of burnout....Any suggestions or recomendations is much appreciated....Thanks!

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Jan 15, 2016
Center for Natural Healing in Honolulu, HI
by: Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff

I own the Center for Natural Healing in Honolulu, HI for 26 years.
I would like to contact the owner of this site to inquire about being a specialist in my area.

Dr. Joy


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